European ESG Template (EET)

The ESG Template (EET) aims to facilitate the necessary exchange of data between product manufacturers and all stakeholders (distributors, insurers, fund of funds investors) in order to comply with the ESG-related regulatory requirements contained mainly in the Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and the relevant delegated acts complementing MiFID II and IDD.

The template was developed under the coordination of FinDatEx (Financial Data Exchange) with representatives from the European financial industry. It is free of industrial property rights and copyrights and is available to everyone. Its use is voluntary.

Since 1 May 2023, the EET must be provided in version 1.1.1. Version 1.1.2 can be used from 31 December 2023. A transition phase is planned until the end of March 2024, by which time the new version 1.1.2 should be available for the preparation of PAI reports at entity level.

Compared to version 1.1.1, EET 1.1.2 contains new data fields on the frequency of providing information on PAI (field 103) and the list of invested countries in sovereign bonds (field 616). In addition, typing errors have been corrected and the transition from labelling as "M/C" to "O" in relation to data fields on Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions has been updated. Version 1.1.2 does not include any structural changes compared to previous versions. Major changes to the EET have been postponed to a later date. They are expected to be implemented as part of the EET adjustment in the next regulatory reform.

EET Version 1.1.1

EET Version 1.1.2

Member area

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