

BVI Yearbook 2024

Data. Facts. Perspectives. (in German)

On more than 100 pages you will find facts and figures on the German fund market as well as on specific regulatory topics from Berlin and Brussels. 

Earlier editions of the BVI Yearbook are available on request.


Fakten zu Fonds

Basic Knowledge

Facts about Investment Funds

Why Investment Funds are important for the economy and society (in English)

Funds fulfil an important function in business and society. Our booklet explains why and how with the relevant facts about funds and their significance to economic growth.



Basic Knowledge

Flexible investments for everyone

Building assets with funds (in German)

Basic information worth knowing about funds: Our basic brochure is primarily designed to assist investment advisors and independent financial intermediaries in discussions with their clients, but is also suitable as an introduction for anyone who wants to find out more about asset accumulation with funds.


* Diese Felder müssen ausgefüllt werden.

** Bitte nur ausfüllen, wenn der Empfänger nicht aus Deutschland ist.

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The BVI collects, processes and uses your personal data, in particular your address, for the purpose of processing your enquiry. Invoicing may also be part of the usage.

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