Investment funds - a proven concept

Investment funds have been in existence since 1774, when Adriaan van Ketwich, a Dutch merchant, launched the first common fund, 'Eintracht macht stark' ('Cooperation brings Strength'). The first fund in Germany was launched some 70 years ago and the concept has remained succesful to this day. Funds focus on solidarity and controlled risk. By using them, anyone can participate in global economic growth - even with small amounts starting from as little as EUR 25 a month.

Funds have long since become a mainstream product with around 50 million people in Germany investing directly or indirectly in funds. Directly as a product and indirectly because every contributor to a life insurance policy or pension fund sees a large proportion of their contributions invested in funds.  

Funds are strictly regulated. As trustees, they are obliged to act exclusively in the interests of the investors. The BaFin supervisory authority monitors and ensures compliance with the rules.

You can find more interesting facts about investment funds in our brochure 'Flexible investment for everyone. Building assets with funds' (available in German only).

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Mehr Wissenswertes rund um das Thema Investmentfonds finden Sie in unserer Broschüre „Flexible Geldanlage für Jeden. Vermögen aufbauen mit Fonds“.

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